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Site Info

The netwinder.org site is run by volunteers in their spare time. The intention is to keep information as current as possible, with drivers, news, rpm information and anything else important to developers. A lot of effort is put into keeping this site functional, if you feel you can contribute in any way, please contact us.

  • Ralph Siemsen (ralphs\@netwinder.org)
    Ralph is webmaster, cvs and ftp administrator, and generally runs the netwinder.org site. His primary NetWinder projects include the kernel and the firmware. In his spare time he can be found playing with digital cameras, stiching together panoramas, or crashing his model helicopter into the ground yet again.

  • Andrew Mileski (andrewm\@netwinder.org)
    Andrew is the chief RPM builder for NetWinder's RedHat-like Linux distribution. He is master of the shell, awk and sed, and also knows far too much about RPM, autoconf and XFree. The dm-3.1-15 image is largely the result of his work, and currently he is working on porting RedHat 7.2, which will be dm-4.0. Andrew also likes to build model gliders in his spare time.

  • Amanda Knox (deleria\@netwinder.org)
    Amanda contributed the graphics and overall site layout for our site. When she's not whipping up HTML, she can be seen trying to tame a graphics program or two and chasing after her three-year-old son.

  • Mark Knox (markk\@netwinder.org)
    Mark spends much of his time protecting his Sparc from roving MIS bandits. His official duties include managing the DNS and generally keeping the servers happy.

  • Jim Tittsler (jtittsler\@netwinder.org)
    Jim helped setup the FAQ area and continues to offer advice from time to time.

We'd also like to thank Dave Neil and Chris Herrnberger for talking the powers that be at Corel into originally sponsoring this project.


Please let us know what you think. The information posted on this site is directly related to the needs of the developers. If you have an idea for a section, questions on existing information, or are looking for technical information, please contact us.