Corel VNC

PCI Memory Map (cont'd)

page 4


Address Width Meaning
A0000000 w Ether100 CR0: bus mode 
1=s/w reset 
2=round robin arbitration, 0=rx has priority 
0x7C=size of descriptor <<2 
0x3F00=DMA burst size <<0x100
A0000008 w CR1: tx poll demand (releases pending tx process)
A0000010 w CR2: rx poll demand (releases pending rx process)
A0000018 w CR3: rx list base address
A0000020 w CR4: tx list base address
A0000028 w CR5: status 
1=tx irq 
2=tx stopped 
4=tx buffer unavailable 
8=tx jabber timeout 
0x10=link pass completed 
0x20=tx underflow 
0x40=rx irq 
0x80=rx buffer unavailable 
0x100=rx process stopped 
0x200=rx watchdog timeout 
0x400=early tx irq 
0x800=timer expire 
0x1000=link fail 
0x2000=bus error 
0x4000=early rx irq 
0x8000=abnormal irq summary 
0x10000=normal irq summary 
0xE0000=rx process state 
0x700000=tx process state 
0x380000=error bits
A0000030 w CR6: op mode 
1=use hash table for rx addr match 
2=rx enable 
4=echo of bit 0 
8=pass bad frames 
0x10=inverse filtering 
A0000038 w CR7: irq mode
A0000040 w CR8: missed frame and overflow
A0000048 w CR9: boot ROM, serial ROM
A0000050 w CRA: boot ROM programming add
A0000058 w CRB: timer
A0000060 w CRC: SIA status
A0000068 w CRD: SIA connectivity
A0000070 w CRE: SIA tx & rx
A0000078 w CRF: SIA & gpio

 IDE Controller

Address Width Meaning
IDE Controller; mem space is not used; see I/O space at 7C0001Fxa
actually, it may be used to read board ID (bits 0xff00)
0x40=uart installed
0x20=ether100 installed
0x10=modem installed
up: TOC