Account Data

Account Data
Data Files
  • Domain Files
  • Account Files
  • Personal Web Site
  • Public Information
  • Preferences
  • Netscape Roaming
  • The CommuniGate Pro server stores account information in several places. Most of the information is stored in the account service files, while some account data is grouped in the domain files.

    Domain Files

    For each CommuniGate Pro domain, a file directory is created in the Domains subdirectory inside the Server base directory. The directories have the same names as the domains.

    For the main domain, the Accounts file directory is created inside the base directory.

    Inside each domain file directory, a Settings file directory is created. This directory contains the following files:

    This file has the dictionary format, and contains the names of the users that have administrative access rights to the server or to the domain, and the list of the granted rights. By storing all administrative access rights in one location the CommuniGate Pro Server makes it easier to maintain server security. Only the Access.settings file stored in the main domain Settings directory can contain the server-level access rights. All other files can contain only the domain-level administrative access rights.

    This file contains the domain settings.
    This file contains the information about all individual RPOP (remote POP) accounts that should be polled on behalf of the domain users.

    This file contains the Account Template for this domain and provides the default account settings for new accounts in this domain.
    This file contains the list of all account-level aliases specified for the domain accounts.

    This directory contains files with the information about the mailing lists created in the domain.

    This directory contains HTML files that customize the WebUser Interface to the domain accounts and mailing lists.
    The Domain Administrator can place HTML and other files into this directory (publish them) using any HTML composer application that supports the POST, DELETE, and MOVE HTTP methods.

    Account Files

    Every CommuniGate Pro account contains at least one (INBOX) mailbox file, and at least two service files. Service files have special file name extensions, and .settings and .info service files always exist. The .settings file contains account settings, while the .info file contains volatile account information, such as mailbox sizes, last UIDs used in each mailbox, etc. Since the .info file is being modified rather often, the CommuniGate Pro server is built to survive .info file corruptions. For example, if the mailbox last UID information is corrupted, the server rescans the mailbox and restores the correct mailbox info.

    The account files are located in the domain file directory or in its subdirectory (see the Domains section for the details).

    For a multi-mailbox account, a directory with the account name and .macnt extension is created, and all account files are stored in that directory. The account service files are stored as account.extension. The INBOX mailbox is stored as the INBOX.mailboxType file.
    Example: for the multi-mailbox account John, the john.macnt directory is created, and the files INBOX.mbox, account.settings, are placed in that directory.

    For a single-mailbox account, the INBOX mailbox is created as a file in the domain file directory or its subdirectory, and it has the accountName.mailboxType file name. The account service files are stored in the same directory as accountName.extension.
    Example: for the single-mailbox account John, the john.mbox, john.settings, and are placed into the domain file directory.

    Personal Web Site

    CommuniGate Pro allows each user to be presented on the World Wide Web with a personal Web Site. The URL for the accountname@domainname account Web Site is:
    <http://domainname:port/~accountname>   where the port is the WebUser port.
    For example, the account has the Personal Web Site at:

    The Personal Web Site files are stored in the account service directory with the .web file name extension.

    Users can upload files to their Personal Web Sites (can publish files) using any HTML composer application that supports the POST, DELETE, and MOVE HTTP methods (for example, the Netscape Composer). They should use their regular account names and passwords to upload Web Site files. The Domain and Server administrators also can upload files to a user Personal Web Site.

    The list of all files in the Account Personal Web Site can be seen using the following URL:
    This page requires the user authentication and it can be used to upload new files to the Personal Web Site and to remove files from the site: Web Site Index

    MarkerFile NameSizeModified

    The Personal Web site default (home) page should have the default.html name.

    All Routing Rules discussed in the Access section apply to the Personal Web Site URLs, so an account alias name can be used in the Personal Web Site URL.

    The Account Web Files Limit setting specifies how many files can be placed into the Account Personal Web Site, and the Account Web Storage Limit setting specifies the maximum total size of all Personal Web Site files.

    The Web Site setting in the Enabled Services set is used to enable and disable access the Account Personal Web Site.

    Public Information

    The CommuniGate Pro Server allows a user to specify a set of attributes (such as phone number, home Web page, job title, etc.) that becomes available to the public via the LDAP interface to the Central Directory.

    The account Public Information is stored in the dictionary format in an optional account service file with the .public extension.

    Users can update their Public Information attributes via the WebUser Interface, or via the ACAP protocol.


    The CommuniGate Pro Server allows a user to store various application preferences in the account and to retrieve them from any computer. This service, known as roaming service is available via both LDAP and ACAP protocols.

    Account preferences are stored in the optional .prefs account service file.

    Netscape Roaming

    The Netscape® Communicator product can use any advanced HTTP server to store and restore its settings.

    To use this Netscape Roaming service, the user should specify the following URL as the Roaming Server URL:
    where domain is the user domain (or the main CommuniGate Pro domain), and port is the CommuniGate Pro User HTTP port.

    The actual account name is not specified in this URL. Access to the /Settings/ realm requires authentication, and the CommuniGate Pro Server opens the account specified in the browser username/password dialog box.

    If the URL used contains the correct domain name of the target account, the account name can be specified as a simple name (i.e. without the domain part), but if the URL contains the name of some other CommuniGatePro domain (because the target domain does not have any A-record), the account name should be specified along with the domain name, i.e. instead of the jsmith string, the string should be used in the Netscape username/password dialog box.

    The Netscape Settings are stored as separate files inside the account service directory with the .roaming extension.

    CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-1999, Stalker Software, Inc.