System Administration

Data Files

When the CommuniGate Pro Server is up and running, it can be configured, monitored, and set up using any Web browser.

By default, the HTTP module provides access to the CommuniGate Pro administration pages (WebAdmin Interface) via the TCP port number 8010. To connect to the server, the administrator should type http://serveraddress:8010 where serveraddress is either server IP address or the server domain name (A-record).

Note: If you use a Netscape® browser, check that its caching setting (Preferences->Advanced->Cache) is set to Every time.

Sections and Privileges

The Server administration pages are divided into four groups (realms). To access a page in any group, a user should be registered with the CommuniGate Pro Server (should have an account on the Server), and the user should be explicitly granted access rights to that section.

Finally, there is the Master section that contains the pages that allow a system administrator to grant and revoke access rights, and to modify the Server License Keys.

Note: If a user is granted the Master access right, that user can access all other sections.

Note: These access rights can be granted to the accounts (users) in the main domain only. Accounts in secondary domains can be granted domain administration rights only.

When a Server is installed for the first time, it creates the postmaster account in the main domain, assigns a random password to that account, and grants the Master access right to the postmaster user.

Directory Structure

All CommuniGate Pro Server files - accounts, domains, mailboxes, settings, queues, etc. are stored in one place - in the Server base directory.

When the Server starts, it creates the following objects inside its base directory:

For more information about the Account and Domain files and directories, see the Account Data section.

You can use symbolic links to move some of these directories to other locations (and other disks).

General Settings

Start configuring the Server by opening the General page in the Settings section.

Main Domain Name:
System Internals Log:  
Crash Recovery: 
Server Time:21:08:46 -0800 
Server OS:Sun Solaris
Server Hardware:Intel 
Server Version:3.3
Server IP Address(es):[],[],[]
Name Server(s) IP Address(es):[],[] 
Main Domain Name
In this field you should enter the name that the CommuniGate Pro Server will interpret as its own domain name. All mail that is addressed to that domain will be treated as local, and (in the simplest case) that mail will be stored in local account mailboxes.

Note: messages directed to this and only this domain name will be processed as local. If the Main Domain Name is entered as, then messages to will not be processed as local, and if such a message is received, the server will try to deliver it to the computer over the network. If the DNS record for the points to the same Server computer, the mail loop error will be detected, and the message will be rejected.

If your server should process mail for several domains, enter the additional domain names as Mail Domain Aliases (if those domains should be mapped to the main domain), or create additional Secondary Domains.

System Internals Log
Use this setting to specify what kind of information the server kernel module should put in the Server Log. Usually you should use the Major (message transfer reports) level. But when you experience problems with the server kernel, you may want to set the Log Level setting to Low-Level or All Info: in this case low-level details will be recorded in the System Log as well. When the problem is solved, set the Log Level setting to its regular value, otherwise your System Log files will grow in size very quickly.

It's unlikely you will ever meet a problem with the kernel itself. If you see any problem with the Server, try to troubleshoot which component could be the cause of it, and change the Log setting of that component (Router, SMTP, POP, etc.) to get more information.
The kernel records in the System Log are marked with the SYSTEM tag.

Crash Recovery
If this option is enabled, the CommuniGate Pro Server uses special recovery techniques to proceed after various failures (including the software own crashing bugs).

You may want to disable this option if you see some exception raised messages in your CommuniGate Pro Log and/or in the OS system.log or mail.log and you want the Server to stop when an exception is raised again, and to produce a core dump file, that can be uploaded to the Stalker ftp site for examination.
Stalker Software would recommend you to disable this option if you are running any beta-version of the CommuniGate Pro software.

Information fields
Information fields on the General Settings page display the name of the Server Operating System, the hardware platform, the version of the CommuniGate Pro Server, and the Server network address(es).
The Local Time and Time Zone of the Server are displayed as well. This information is useful for system administrators that have to examine Logs from remote locations, as all time stamps in the System Logs are specified in the Server local time.

This button can be used after the Server OS local IP Addresses have been changed or the DNS settings for CommuniGate Pro domains have been modified. When this button is pressed:
  • the Server re-reads the list of Local IP Addresses from the OS
  • the Server updates the "Assigned IP Addresses" for all Server Domains. If some domains have IP Addresses specified "Using DNS A/MX Records", the new addresses are retrieved from the DNS system.
  • the Server re-reads the Domain Name Server addresses from the OS settings.

Command Line Options

The CommuniGate Pro server supports the following command-line options (parameters):

--CGateBase directory
--Base directory
This option specifies the location of the CommuniGate Pro base directory.

This option tells the server to duplicate all its System Log records to the stdout (standard output). This option can be used for troubleshooting when the Web interface to System Logs is not available.

This option tells the server to ignore all current Log Level settings and record all possible Log records.

This option tells the server not to cache the Web Interface files internally. Use this option when you modify the Web Interface files and you need to see the results without restarting the server.

This option can be specified on Unix platforms only. It tells the server to fork and operate in the background, with stdin, stdout, and stderr redirected to /dev/null.

--CGateApplication directory
This option specifies the location of the CommuniGate Pro application directory. You can use this option when the application itself cannot properly detect its own location, or if the CommuniGate Pro Server application file is placed not in the same location as other application directory files and subdirectories. For example, on OS/400 CommuniGate Pro Server is located in a OS/400 library, and this parameter is used to tell the server where the Unix-style directory with WebUser, WebAdmin, WebGuide, and other files is located.

This option tell the Server not to create the ProcessID lock file. This option can be used if the file system hosting the base directory does not support file locks.
Command line option names are case-insensitive.

Shutting Down

The CommuniGate Pro Server can be shut down by sending it a SIGTERM or a SIGINT signal.

On Unix platforms, you can use the startup script with the stop parameter, or you can get the Server process id from the ProcessID file in the base directory and use the kill command to stop the server.

On the Windows NT platform, you can use the Services control panel to stop and start the CommuniGate Pro server.

You can also use the shutdown CLI API command to stop the server.

When the Server receives a shutdown request, it closes all the connections, commits or rolls back mailbox modifications, and performs other shutdown tasks. Usually these tasks take 1-3 seconds, but sometimes (depending on the OS network subsystem) they can take more time. Always allow the server to shut down completely, and do not interrupt the shutdown process.

OS syslog

The CommuniGate Pro server can store as much as several MBytes of Log data per minute (depending on the Log Level settings of its modules and components), and it can search and selectively retrieve records from the log. To provide the required speed and functionality, the Server maintains its own multithreaded Log system.

The Server places records into the OS log (system.log or mail.log):

Domain Administration

If your Server has several Secondary Domains, you may want to grant some user(s) in that domain the domain administrator access right.

A domain administrator can use the WebAdmin interface to access the pages in the Accounts section, but the access is limited to that domain only, and not all domain and account Settings can be modified.

When you grant the domain administrator access right to a user, you will see a list of specific access rights - the internal names of Domain and Account Settings. You should specify which settings the domain administrator can modify. Also, the list of enabling options allows you to grant the domain administrator rights:

The domain administrator can also upload and update the WebUser Interface pages, if you grant the CanCreateWebPages access right to that administrator.

The domain administrator access right can be granted to users in secondary domains by a system administrator that has the Accounts (All Domains and Account Settings) access right.

A Domain administrator can control the domain using the same WebAdmin port (see HTTP module description for the details), or using the Command Line Interface commands.

Customizing Domain WebAdmin Interface

The Server Administrator can modify the look and feel of the Domain WebAdmin interface. For each CommuniGate Pro domain, a custom version of WebAdmin files can be created and uploaded to the domain storage.

To modify the Domain WebAdmin interface pages, connect to the server WebAdmin Interface as a Server Administrator, open the Domain Settings page and click the WebAdmin link. The list of WebAdmin files will appear. Click the Accounts link to open the subdirectory containing the files used to compose WebAdmin pages in the "Account" realm:

(Accounts subdirectory) UP

MarkerFile NameSizeModified

If the file does not exist in the domain WebAdmin directory, the file from the application directory WebAdmin subdirectory is shown, and the default marker is displayed. If the file exists in the domain WebAdmin directory, that file is shown and a check box is displayed in the Marker field.

To modify some element of the WebAdmin Interface:

If the WebAdmin directory/subdirectory did not contain a custom copy of the uploaded file, you will see the default file marker changing to a checkbox. If a custom version of that file already existed in the WebAdmin directory/subdirectory, the old version is replaced with the uploaded one.

To remove a custom version of a WebAdmin Interface file, select the checkbox on the left of that file name and click the Delete Marked button. If the file with that name exists in the application directory WebAdmin subdirectory, the file name does not disappear from the WebAdmin Interface Editor page, but the name gets the default marker indicating that the default (original) version of the file will be used again.

Note:The Server WebAdmin interface always uses the files located in the WebAdmin subdirectory of the application directory. If you modify the WebAdmin interface for the main domain, the modified pages will be used when a Domain Administrator of the main domain uses the WebAdmin Interface. The Server Administrator will see the framed version of the WebAdmin Interface (with the Settings, Domains, Directory, and Monitors realms) and the default WebAdmin files will be used to compose the Server WebAdmin Interface pages.

Customizing Server Prompts

The Server Administrator can modify the protocol prompts and other text strings the CommuniGate Pro Server sends to client mailers.

To modify the Server Strings, the administrator should follow the Strings link on the General Settings page. The Server Strings page appears (the actual page has much more strings):

CommuniGate Pro POP3 Server ^0 ready
CommuniGate Pro SMTP closing connection
we do not relay
will leave the Internet
^1 ESMTP CommuniGate Pro ^0

To modify a Server String, enter the new text in the text field, and select the upper radio button. To change the string to its default value (displayed under the text field), simply select the lower radio button.

Click the Update button to update the Server Strings.

CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2000, Stalker Software, Inc.